RP-10. Theology of Leadership
Out line.
- Introduction of the Course
- Purpose.
- Difference between Secular and Christian Leadership
- Biblical Aspect of Leadership
- Theological Aspect of Leadership
- Calling of Leader
- Training of Leader
- Testing of Leader
- Sending of Leader
- Protection of Leader
- Christological Aspect of Leadership
- Maturity (Maturing)
- Ministering
- Mentoring
- Pneumatological Aspect of Leadership
- Inner motivation of Holy Spirit
- Internal guidance of Holy Spirit
- Assured Prayer of Holy Spirit
- Anthropo- Hamartiological aspect of leadership
- created foe Leadership
- Condemned for the Failure in Leadership
- Conflict within a Leader
- Soteriological aspect of leadership
- Saved from Sin
- Separated from Sin
- Ecclesiastical aspect of leadership
- Gift based leadership
- Need based leadership
- Qualifications of a Leader
- Purpose oriented leadership
- Issues of Ecclesiastical Leadership
- Eschatological aspect of leadership
- Commendation of Leadership
- Co-rule as a Leader with Christ
- Crowns for Leadership
- Introduction of the Course
- Purpose.
The purpose of this course is
A.To imbibe the theological aspect of leadership in Christendom
B.Tomake them aware of various leadership principles in relation to the Christian ministry
- To motivate them to dedicate themselves in order to become dynamic godly leaders
- to guide them to live as a leader with leadership traits
- to train them as leading leaders so that they can train the next generation Christian leaders.
- Difference between Secular and Christian leaders
Secular leadership will follow all the administrative rules of Christian leadership, but they are ignorant to follow the Christian principles and Christian ethics. However, it is mandatory for every Christian leader to follow the principles of the Bible and its ethics.
- Biblical Aspect of Leadership
Although the Bible is considered the religious book of Christians by the general public, it is truly God’s Word. The Bible itself claims that it is God’s Word through inspiration (2 Tim: 3:16-17; Jn 5:39, 40; Col 1:25; Mat15:3-9). It records what God has revealed for mankind (1 Thes: 2:13). Moreover, The Bible is a product from God (2 Pet: 1: 20, 21) with the intention of producing the leaders for the world according to the standard of God’s word. God used many leaders to bring it out in the book form so that many leaders may use it and many leaders may be trained in godly way for the world and for the church.
The Bible is the Leadership Book because:
- It records history of many leaders, including their rise and fall (Adam, Moses, David, Paul)
- It reveals God’s mind to the leaders (Jos:1: 5-8)
- It gives power to the leaders (Jn:6:63,68; Rom:1:16,17; 1 Thes:2:13)
- It is the guide to the leaders to excel in their leadership (2 Tim:3:16,17)
- It is the training manual of godly leaders (Pss:119: 1,11)
- It is the book of promise to the leaders (Rev:1:3)
- It gives wisdom to the Leaders (Ps: 19: 7-14)
There are many evidences that show the Bible is the revelation of God. The Bible itself claims it is God’s revelation (Deut6:6-). It has taught higher ethics than any other books. (E.g. Holiness. – Lev. 11:45). Such higher ethics is necessary for any leader. The External evidence also proves that the Bible is God’s revelation. The influence of the Bible is also the proof of God’ revelation: wherever it was accepted by the people it brought a great change in that society spiritually, morally, socially E.g. The cannibals of Africa became changed from their evil life style and socially accepted by other nations.
- Theological Aspect of Leadership
God is the source of all that are seen and unseen. He created all, including man. He created man to rule the creation on behalf of Him. After man fell in sin, God called some for leadership positions in order to administer the fallen human being as well as other created beings in earth.
- Calling of Leader.
There are many in the Christian ministry, claiming that they are called by God. But others find difficulty in accepting their claims. Hence it is important for one to know what God’s word tells about calling for ministry. In the Bible, one can find that five kinds of leadership in ministry.
- God’s Direct Calling of Individuals
The important and indispensable aspect of Christian leadership is primarily the call of God. One who can not sense the call of God cannot be an effective leader in the sight of God. All the ministers of God in the Bible are primarily called by God. They came to ministry after they got the call of God. They did and fulfilled their ministry according to their call. In calling, God has called some directly for ministry. This is known as God’s direct call. This calling is also known as Direct Divine Call or Divine Appointment or Holy call. (Holy Call – 2 Tim: 1:9).
Noah – Preacher – Gen: 6:8; 2 Pet:2:5
Moses – Deliverer – Ex: 3: 4 – 10
Aaron – Priest – Ex: 4: 14 – 16; Heb: 5:4
Apostles – Matt:4: 18 – 20
Paul – Act: 9: 5 – 16
Direct call was given to men by God, when they are physically matured. Sometimes God’s direct call came to young men as they were preordained by God even before their birth. God preordained and called them when they were in their mother’s womb. Eg. Jeremiah ( Jer 1:5 ). John the Baptist (Lk1:11-17 ). Although god had preordained them, they were not formally called for ministry before their physical maturity.
- Calling of those who were dedicated by parents
There were many in the Bible times dedicated by their parents for God’s work. Those who were dedicated by their parents must be willing to obey God’s call, as Samuel obeyed. In the Old Testament, every first born of Israel must be dedicated to God (Ex 13:1,2). Based on this command, Samson’s parents were asked by God to dedicate their first son Samson with the dedication of Nazirite(Jud 13). Samuel – 1 Sam: 1:24 – 28; 2: 26; 3: 4-11
In the New Testament such a dedication was not commanded to the parents, especially to the gentile Christians. However, If any parents dedicate their son for the ministry, God may accept such dedication when the dedicated son is ready to accept God’s holy call of salvation in Christ. If the dedicated one fails to accept Jesus Christ as his only Saviour, God will not call him for the ministry just because he was dedicated.
- Calling of those who dedicated themselves
- Titus: Elder (Pastor)
(Tit:1:4Common Faith; 3:4;Love of God;Gal:2:1-3;2 Cor: 8:16, 23)
- Luke: (writer)
(Lk: 1:1-3———-I seemed good; Act:16:10 – Lord had called us)
Titus and Luke were in the active ministry with Paul. They had no direct call from God outwardly. But their long association with apostles who were directly called by God gradually motivated them to do ministry for the Lord. Certainly, they came for ministry out of their love for God. The Love of God motivated them to do the ministry (2 Cor:5:14). They endured suffering because they realized they are really called by God. Unless they realized their call, they could not endure suffering patiently. Joshua was the best example for this type of call in Old Testament
We can find the following characteristics in those who dedicated themselves in ministry:
- They have long association with godly people (1 Jn:1:1-3)
- They have long years of experience in God’s ministry(Lk1:1-4)
- They have long years of training in God’s Word(Lk 1:2)
- They have endured suffering and hardship for many years(Acts27,28)
- They have fully devoted their time in ministry(Acts 20:11)
- They give last priority to worldly possessions but first priority to God’s work.
Many years of ministry will prove them who are genuine in their dedication.
(iv). Situation called Leaders:
- This group of people comes into ministry due to the circumstances; either they are called by friends or by peers or by relatives for ministry.
- Jn: 1:35-51 – Andrew, Peter, Nathaniel
Such people may become effective leaders, if they realize God’s call or dedicating themselves to ministry (Rom: 12:1,2) after proper training (Apollos – Acts:18:24-28).If they fail to recognize God’s call or to dedicate themselves for ministry, they will become ineffective leaders (Saul King). Mark probably was a special case. He was first influenced by Barnabas but he was not sure of his call. Hence he left ministry. However, he was again useful in ministry because he himself dedicated for the ministry. He wrote the Gospel of Mark. Paul later acknowledged Mark’s usefulness.
These four kinds of ministers are either approved by God or can be approved by God in due course of time if they are faithful in their ministry. But there is also another kind of leadership in the Bible.
(v)So-called Leaders
They themselves claim they are called, but they are not called by God for any ministry. (Eg. 450 false prophets in OT during the period of Elijah ;1 Kg 18:19; Balaam – Numbers: 22)
- Judaizers in N.T (Galatians)
- Simon the Sorcerer – Act: 8:9-24
The so called leaders are generally false teachers. They come to ministry for fear or fame or for monitory benefits. They may use God’s name and God’s word in order to promote their own interest. As God had condemned them in OT, Jesus in NT predicted their doom in last days.(Mt7:22,23) However, they can become good leaders, if they repent as Peter suggested to the sorcerer (Acts 8: 9-24).
- Training of Leader
Training is indispensable in any field. Christian ministry is also not exempted from it. Hence Christian Leadership training involves at least three basic principles, as following
- Training in Scripture
- Training by senior leaders
- Training by service
- Training in Scripture(Scripturally Trained)
Every leader must be first trained in Scripture. As an advocate knows the law before he practices the law in the court, every Christian leader must be adequately trained in God’s law that is the Bible. Before the Scriptures were written, God trained the leaders directly as God guided Moses. Once the Scripture was written, God directly used the Scriptures to train further the leaders for future ministry. Hence, every leader must know the scriptures (the Word of God).
- Joshua was commanded to learn and follow the Scripture (Josh: 1:5-9)
- Timothy was advised – 1 Tim: 4:15, 16; 2 Tim:2:15; 2 Tim:3:16, 17.
“The Reader becomes Leader” – It is a well known saying which tells about the importance of reading, especially of God’s word.
Matt: 12:5 – Christ questioned about reading. It shows how much importance Jesus gave to the reading of the law of God.
- Jesus Himself was a Reader – Lk: 4: 16-21.
- Reading is advised. Rev1:3
Apostle Paul trained the Christians of Ephesians for two years systematically (Acts19:9,10).Paul gave them training in scripture for two years. It was a Bible school of those days.
- Training by Senior Leaders(Personally Trained)
The second training principle of leadership is that one must get a proper training by senior leaders. Every leader must be trained by a senior and experienced leader so that a training leader may be pre-informed about leadership and its tasks- how to achieve them.
The senior leader who trains others is sometimes called ‘mentor’. (Mentorship will be discussed later in Christological aspect of leadership).
God trained many of His leaders by using experienced godly leaders ( E.g)
- Joshua was trained by Moses in political leadership.
- Aaron was trained by Moses for Priestly leadership.
- Elijah trained Elisha in Prophetical leadership.
- Apostles were trained by Jesus for church mission Leadership.
- Timothy, Titus were trained by Paul for Pastoral Leadership.
Moreover, the N.T. very plainly makes it clear that training must be carried on from every senior leader to the next generation leader (2 Tim: 2:2). If such a training is lack it may result in chaos.(E.g) During the period of judges, such training was less in Israel. As a result of that, the people of Israel went on their own way (Judges: 21:25).
We may some times work under good or bad leaders. God uses every opportunity to train us. Saul, the king was bad but God used him to train David (1 Samuel). David kept his integrity although he worked under a bad leader. Hence we who are called to be leaders must use every opportunity whether it is bad or good to be trained in leadership.
- Training by Service (Practically trained)
“ Practice makes Perfect”. It is a well known saying. It is very much true in every field of training, especially in Christian leadership training. In the O.T. the workers who made the articles of Tabernacles were systematically trained by their service (Ex: 35: 30-35).
Moses trained Aaron and his sons as to how they had to establish tabernacle and its articles in their respective places (Ex: 40:16:16-33). After establishing tabernacle, Moses consecrated Aaron and his sons for service (Lev: 8, 9). Likewise, the succeeding priests were trained in service by high priest and senior priests. This training was given by senior priests so that young priests would know how to offer sacrifices and how to conduct daily service in the tabernacles. After five years of systematic training, they started their service at the age of thirty (Num: 4:3; 46-47) and concluded their age service at the age of fifty years. However, they were trained for 5 years from 25 to 30 years of age (Num: 8:24, 25) before entering in priestly service.
So also, Joshua was trained in service and appointed as military and political leader by Moses (Ex: 17: 8-16; Num: 15-23). Hence Joshua could lead Israel after Moses’ death.
The school of prophets during the prophetical movements in Israel under the leaders of Elijah and Elisha trained many prophets to preach the Word of God to the people. The person who wanted to get training in the law of Moses came and stayed with other prophets. And those persons who came were trained in God’s word for service by their seniors. Elijah and Elisha were prominent trainers, who trained the sons of prophets in God’s service (2 King: 2:15). The title “sons of prophet” refers to the young men who devoted their life and time in studying the Scripture and in writing the history of kings while staying together as a group under a leader. Elisha was trained in God’s service for future ministry by Elijah. So once Elijah was taken on the clouds, Elisha could continue the ministry without much difficulty (2 King: 2: 1-13; 4: 45; 6: 1-7).
Throughout the Bible and the history of Israel, many leaders were trained for service before hand. Once they get enough practice for service, they were placed into full service of respective fields.
Jesus trained His disciples practically, so that they could carry on His ministry after His ascension. He gave training in practical ministry by sending them two by two, to the villages, without adequate food and needful. This practical training helped the disciples to establish the churches after the day of Pentecost without enough financial background. (Mark: 6: 6-13, 30; Mt:10:1-42; Lk:9: 1-10).
Paul also trained his co-workers practically, by keeping them with him so that they learnt to service. They learnt many things by serving with Paul. After Paul, they became the leaders of church. Luke, Silas, Timothy and Titus were the prominent leaders who were trained as serving with Paul.
Practical training must be done under the supervision of some senior experienced godly leaders. This practical training must be taken in the particular area of his field. (Eg)
- Pastoral practice must be done under a senior pastor.
- Teaching leader must get practical training under a senior teacher.
- Administrative leader must get practical training under an able Christian administrator.
In most of the cases, the last two training principles, training by senior leaders and training by serving, go hand in hand or function as two sides of the same coin.
Note: If a person assumes any leadership position before getting trained properly, he could probably be a so-called leader, not sent by God. – Jud: 7: 4-6.
- Testing of Leader
Every called and trained leader must undergo the test. The test will prove whether he is qualified to fulfill his call. Even Jesus Christ had to go through the Cross to be our Saviour and Lord. The calling and training will never automatically make one qualified for leadership. Jesus called and trained His disciples, but He made them to undergo the tests. In most of the cases in the Bible, the test of leadership is trials or suffering.
- Abraham was tested in sacrifice offer of Isaac(Gen22)
- Moses was tested in wilderness (Ex:3,4)
- Test to Gideon’s 300 soldiers (Jud: 7: 4-6 – Gideon’s three hundred soldiers)
- Jesus tested His disciples by not giving the need beforehand (Mt: 10: 16-25; Jn:6: 60-70; Mk: 6:6-13; 8:27-30; Lk:10:1-21)
- What do you say of me? – Theological test question asked by Jesus to test His disciples’ knowledge about Christ.
- The test involves knowledge. Jesus asked His disciples
- What do you say of me. Mt: 8:23-30; Mt:16:13-18
- What happened – Lk: 24:17,19
- Suffering is the spiritual test (Lk: 9:23-26; 9:57-62; 14:25-27)
The questions that Jesus asked His disciples were mostly intended to test their knowledge of Scripture and their knowledge about Christ. Hence one could understand that Christ wanted to test His disciples about their theological understanding.
Read the following passages:
- Jn: 6:61-62
- Jn:6:67
- Jn:6:70
- Jn:14:9-10
This helps us to understand that every Christian leader must know the Scripture intellectually as well as must know Christ personally.
God expects the leaders to win the tests he gives them. However, we find many leaders failed the tests as Adam failed. Some passed the tests as Paul(1 Cor 11.1). Judas and Peter were scriptural examples of failure. Judas responded negatively till the end. But, Peter although failed many times by his denials, finally passed by saying “I love Thee” (Jn:21:17). Yes, although one leader has many other failures, if he loves Jesus truly in heart, he will be able to overcome successfully his past failure. Love is greater than all (1 Cor: 13:13). One who does not come to ministry for his love for God, he can not endure hardship in ministry. Paul could endure all hardship because God’s love motivated him in ministry (2 Cor 5:14). Love of God helps us to pass our spiritual test. God uses the tests so that he can show us our abilities and qualities.
- Test helps to know our abilities
- Test helps to know our qualities/character
Every Christian leader must have both abilities as well as qualities.
- Theological or scriptural test helps us to know our intellectual abilities
- Spiritual test by suffering helps us to know our spiritual inner qualities
Abraham was tested to show us his spiritual qualities. (Gen 22,23). This test may come to every Christian leader in different form.
- Sending of Leader
After Calling, Training and Testing, God sends the leader for the mission for which he is called, and trained. God never sends a leader before training and testing him adequately. We see many examples for this in the Bible.
- Moses – Ex: 3:4 – Moses was trained in the palace of Pharaoh but tested in the wilderness before sending him to deliver Israel from Egypt.
- Apostles – Mt: 28:18-20. They were trained by Jesus himself during His earthly ministry and tested during His trailing time (Lk22:31,32)and forty days after His resurrection(Jn 21;15-17). Then he sent them for the mission for which they were called.
- Protection of Leader
God graciously calls, properly trains, meticulously tests, purposefully sends a leader. When a leader goes with a mission, He may face many hardships, oppositions and threats. Every leader faces such oppositions and threats. But thank God He protects His leaders who are on His mission. There are many examples for this.
Although Moses was called, trained and tested and sent by God, he faced much opposition in his mission right from the beginning of his ministry. He faced the opposition of Pharaoh (Ex:7-14), of his own people (Num:12), of his own family(wife and his sister Miriam). However God protected him from all such opposition. Even at his death, God protected his body through angels. (Jude: 9).
Prophet Elijah, Jeremiah were protected by God while they were on God’s mission for which God has sent them. Jesus protected His disciples, who were accused by the Pharisees (Mt: 15:1-20; Mk:7:1-23)).
- Moreover, protection is promised (Mt: 28:19-20).
- Christ’s Protection is manifested.
- Christ protects financially – Jesus and Peter paid tax by taking coin from fish (Matt.17:27).
- Christ protects physically (Matt .6:11;2 Cor: 1:10) – disciples’ needs were met.
- Christ protects spiritually (LK.22:31,32;1 Jn:2:1).
- Christ protects morally (Matt.12:1-7).
(iii) Examples of God’s protection in the Old Testament
- Job, a family leader – Satan could attack him physically
- Joshua, a high priest – Satan tried to harm him (Zech: 3:1-10).
Although they faced suffering God providentially protected them. God’s protection empowers us to achieve in mission work.
- Christological Aspect of Leadership
Jesus Christ is the greatest leader that world ever knew. We believe in Jesus Christ, our Saviour. He is not only our Saviour, but our Lord and Leader too. As we study Christology, we understand some leadership aspects in Christology too.
- Maturity
We are saved by the precious blood of Jesus. We are also called. However, our salvation and calling will be ultimately realized, as we mature in Christ that is being conformed to the image of Christ (Rom: 8:29). Image of Christ is the only ultimate objective of our spiritual maturity.
Every leader must strive to mature spiritually. True spiritual maturity comes as we strive to be conformed to the image of Christ. Our thought, action, behaviour, attitude, lifestyle and every thing we do must reflect the character of Jesus Christ. People who see us must be led to Christ. Christian Maturity involves maturing spiritually, morally, emotionally (Heb: 12:15) and intellectually (in Scripture). Intellectual maturity involves both accumulation of knowledge about daily affairs of the world as well as growing and rooted in the knowledge of Jesus Christ (Eph3:14-19). A Christian leader will be effective in leadership as he matures and reflects the image of Christ in him. Maturity to the image of Christ is the measuring rod of Christian leadership.
- Ministering
The word “minister” is a translated form of Greek compound word (leitourgia) which includes ‘laos’ plus ‘ergon’ (people + service). Hence it means “serving to the people”. However, in the classical Greek, it included three basic ideas as following.
- Serving to Greek government without getting salary.
- Sacrificing one’s life for nation as a warrior/soldier.
- Spending one’s time or money by serving to people.
Hence “leitourgia “means freely serving to nation or helping people or offering one’s life for nation. Jesus Christ, the true Servant could fulfill all the above mentioned three concepts of the word “minister”
On one hand, Jesus is the king of kings, on the other, He is the servant of servants. He said, “ The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister (Mt:20:28; Mk: 10:35-45; Lk:22:24-27). The true king ministers for his subjects. Jesus as the true king ministered others and gave his life for others. He was the only true” Minister”
Jesus not only said this, but he also practiced. A true leader always practices what he teaches. As a demonstration of his teaching, Jesus washed His disciples feet (Jn:13:2-20). By washing of the feet of disciples, he practically showed his mind of ministering. Then He said to His disciples to do the same. The disciples must be ready to minister to others. Ministering with Christian concepts includes two facets as following.
- Ministering within the church: Ministering within a church means that a minister helps the members of the church to grow toward maturing in Christ as he grows in Christ (1 Cor 11:1)
- Ministering outside the church: It means that a minister purposes in his heart that he must manifest Christ to the unbelievers by his gracious words and deeds as Jesus did His ministry(Acts10:38). We are created to do good works (Eph 2:10; Tit 3:8). In doing good works, priority always goes to the believers in Christ then to unbelievers(Gal 6:9-10)
Hence a true Christian leader sacrificially ministers both within the church as well as outside of the church.
- Mentoring
The word mentor means ‘tutor’ in Greek, according to the English dictionary. In a sense, mentoring is directly related with training. However, there is difference between training and mentoring. Training is a beginning process of leadership, but mentoring is a life long correction process in leadership. Training gives the basic knowledge of principles of leadership we have to learn. But mentoring is the correction process by which the mentor continually corrects his followers/ students when they make mistakes in applying the leadership principles they have already learnt.
Jesus mentored his disciples many times during His earthly ministry, When they made mistakes after returning from their preaching tour (Lk: 9:49, 50; Mk: 9:38-41; Lk: 9:51-56). As the disciples needed mentoring by Christ, every Christian leader who is under training or who is ministering needs mentoring by a mentor. Judas was unwilling to accept the mentoring of Jesus. So he could not become a leader. It is a well Known saying “One who can not obey the command cannot give the command”.
If you want to be an effective Christian leader, you must certainly have a mentor. Your mentor must be a qualified, experienced, matured godly leader. One can have many mentors if necessary. However, mentor should not behave like a dictator.
As one young leader grows towards maturity to the image of Christ, mentoring process may be gradually reduced. Once you become a matured leader through good mentoring, you become eligible to mentor your younger leaders. That is what the disciples of Jesus did. After Jesus, the disciples ministered and mentored many young disciples. Among the Apostles, Paul could mentor many new leaders. Paul successfully mentored Luke, Silas, Timothy, Titus, Thropimus, etc as young leaders. Mentoring is indispensable in the life of a leader. Mentor must be an example to others (1 Cor:11:1). A mentor must faithfully mentor the new leaders (2 Tim: 2:2).
The goal of mentoring is to make mature and to produce matured leaders to the image of Christ (Rom:8:29).
- Pneumatological Aspect of Leadership
God has given the Holy Spirit to every believers in Christ when one believes Jesus Christ as his Saviour.(Jn 1:12; Eph 1:13). The Holy Sprit guides the believer as he yields to the scriptural guidance of Spirit. Now let us see how the Holy Spirit works in one in order to make him leader.
- Inner Motivation of Holy Spirit
Assuming leadership involves motivation, there are two kinds of motivation in any field of leadership, especially in Christian leadership – one is right motivation and the other is wrong motivation.
- Wrong Motivations
Some assume Christian leadership with false motivation. They assume leadership with the following motivations which are wrong:
- For Fame (Simon, the Sorcerer) – Acts: 8:18-24
- For Power (King Saul) – 1 Samuel
- For Fear of Hell or Death – 1 Jn: 4:18
- For Human Praise – (Herod) – Acts: 12:21-25
- For Money – 1 Tim: 6: 5-10; Tit:1:11
- For any Worldly Pleasure-Mt23:5-7;2 Tim3:4,6; LK9:58
- As a Job (Profession) – Phil: 3:18, 19; Rom: 16:18
- As Competing with others – Phil: 1`:15-18
- As a Hobby.
The people who come to ministry with any of the above false motivation may fail to do ministry at the time of trials in life. One of the reasons was that they are not called by God. They may leave the ministry when they continually face challenges in ministry or they may cheat others financially or by any wrong means.
- Right Motivation
It comes within a believer by the work of the Holy Spirit. The right motivation to assume leadership is the Love of Christ (2 Cor: 5:14; Phil: 1:17). Paul was ministering by the motivation of the love of Christ. Love of Christ will help one to overcome all difficulties that he faces in ministry. The right motivation makes one to sacrifice his time, energy, wealth, and life for God in order to be effective in leadership. He will never be entangled in any other affairs that do not match with his call and ministry (2 Tim 2:3, 4)
People who come with wrong motivation for ministry may leave ministry and may bring dishonor to the name of Christ. But people who serve the Lord with right motivation will bring glory to God’s Name.
- Internal Guidance of the Holy Spirit
A leader may have some senior leaders to guide him. However, he needs the internal guidance of the Holy Spirit. The internal guidance of the Holy Spirit is possible through the Scripture. The Holy Spirit guides the leader to do the right thing in order to bring glory to God (1 Cor: 10:31). It helps one to have right fellowship with the Lord.
Whatever you do, before doing it, ask a question within you “will it bring glory to God? “
- God works in you to will and to do all for His pleasure (Phil:2:13).
If we do it for our pleasure, probably it is due to false motivation and for our own pleasure. When we do something for our own pleasure, we would fail to bring glory to God.
Jesus did everything to bring glory to the One who sent Him (Jn 6:38). As Jesus has shown the example, let us do God’s will in order to become effective leaders.
- Assured Prayer of Holy Spirit
Prayer is commanded in the Bible (1 Thes: 5:17). Right prayer is praying according to God’s will. We pray but we often fail to pray according to God’s will. Failing to pray according to God’s will is our spiritual weakness. Every believer has struggles in overcoming this weakness, so also every leader. Hence our great infirmity is failing to understand God’s will.
All the leaders in the Bible prayed. Even our Lord Jesus Christ prayed daily during His earthly ministry. (E.g)
- Moses(Ex 17:4)
- David (2 Sam 24:17
- Solomon (1 Kings 8:28)
- Apostles (Acts 6:4)
When we do not pray according to God’s will, the Holy Spirit prays for us that we may do God’s will (Rom: 8:26). Praying leaders become successful in their call for which God had called them. Assurance of Holy Spirit’s prayer must bring greatest confidence in a Christian leader.
- Anthropo-Hamartiological Aspect of Leadership
Man is the crown of creation. Those who propagate evolution theory fail to prove it substantially. Hence the Biblical view of creation stands unshaken even today.
- Created for Leadership
God created man who is the crown of God’s creation. After creating Adam, God gave him some responsibilities which certainly involve leadership. Adam’s responsibilities are listed in Gen: 1:28
- Be fruitful and multiply and replenish earth.
- Subdue it.
- Have dominion over it.
If we carefully examine this text, it clearly says about the leadership role of Adam. God created man with leadership abilities and endowed him leadership responsibilities, and he expects man to exercise his leadership as a leader.
- Condemned for Failure in Leadership
Adam as leader had to obey and to follow God’s instruction. He had to decide about eating the forbidden fruit in accordance with God’s Word. He had to exercise his will in accordance with God’s will. But he miserably failed to obey God’s instruction, the revealed God’s will. His disobedience was not only a failure but became the cause of sin.
Disobedience to God’s word was sin in Adam’s life. So also disobedience to God’s Word becomes sin in every leader. When any leader fails to obey God’s Word, he fails in his leadership. Many leaders in the Bible failed in their leadership due to their sin, as Adam failed.
- Samson (Jud:13 -16)
- Saul, the King ( 1 Samuel)
- David, the king and Psalmist (2 Samuel, Ps: 32,51)
One should recognize that he is a sinner (1 Jn: 1:8). Many leaders failed in their leadership by allowing sin in their life. A leader must flee from sin (1 Tim 6:11), notably:
- Sex (David and Samson)
- Lust of Wealth (Judas:; Gehazi: 2 Kings: 5: 10-20; 1 Tim:6:10)
- Pride (Nebuchadnezzar – Daniel 3,4)
All forms of sin will be punished. One can choose the action but not the result/consequence of it (sin). Adam chose to sin but he could not choose his result as wished.
Leadership failure results in sin (Eg: Adam). Sin causes failure in leadership (David).
- Conflict within a Leader
Basically every leader is a human being. Man as created being is a limited being too. A limited being cannot be free from facing challenges especially of sin. Some of the challenges are beyond his human capacity. Sometimes he is being pulled into different challenges and to different directions, spiritually. When he faces many such challenges at a time, he struggles within. He struggles within, spiritually, morally, and emotionally. Hence, he struggles to take a right decision, especially when he faces conflicts of decisions.
This inner conflict is clearly pictured in Rom: 7:15-25. Every believer faces this conflict within him as Paul had. However, this conflict is more frequent and intensive in a leader (Rom: 7:24). Hence leaders often battle within themselves to take the right decision in accordance with God’s Word. A successful leader will always depend on God so that he may overcome his battles (Rom:7:25). Paul trusted and praised God for the deliverance in Christ at the time of spiritual battles (Rom:7:25).Having right fellowship with Christ will make one as a winning leader because Jesus is always the winner (Jn: 16: 33).
“Being with the winner makes you a winner” is a well known saying. So being with Christ makes you a winning leader. As Paul faced this internal conflict, every Christian leader faces such conflict. Christ can only help us to overcome this conflict victoriously as a leader depends on Christ.
- Soteriological Aspect of Leadership
The Greek word ‘ soterio’ means ‘to save’. The concept of salvation in the Old Testament represented ‘experiencing healing from sickness, protections from enemies attack, enjoying wealth’ etc. However in the New Testament, the idea of salvation gives a deeper spiritual meaning that is ‘to be saved’ from sin and its eternal consequences. Hence Jesus died to save us from sin ( Jn 1:29; Heb 2:15).
- Saved from Sin
A Christian leader must not be a professing Christian, but he should be a saved person. Believing Jesus Christ as the only saviour and accepting Him is the beginning point of winning (1 Jn: 5:4-5; Jn: 1:12). Genuine faith in Christ results in salvation. Every church leader in the New Testament believed Jesus Christ as his only Saviour (Acts 4:12)
All the apostles and the early church leaders had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, they all were saved by believing Christ as their Saviour (Eph 2:7,8). By placing faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, an intimacy begins between Jesus Christ and the one who believes him as his saviour (Heb: 12:1-2).
“ The just shall live by faith “ (Rom: 1:17).
A leader must live by faith. The life of a leader begins with faith, progresses in faith, and ends with faith (2 Tim: 4:7). The salvation that a person received is secured for eternity (Jn: 10: 28, 29; Jud: 24). Salvation is very important in the life of a Christian Leader.
- Separated from sin
Not only every leader is saved from sin but he must also be separated from sin, better be separated from even the presence of sin. Hence Paul advised to the young leaders of the church as following.
- Flee youthful lusts (2 Tim: 2: 22).
- Let no man despise thee (Tit: 2:15).
In the Bible and in the history of church as well as of world, one can see many leaders who failed because they were not separated from sin. Saved from sin is one time reality in life, but separation from sin is a continuous process which has to be maintained till the end of life of a leader as well as a believer. Sin caused failure of many leaders of the Bible.
Hence every leader must live a sanctified life. By separation from sin the leader will be able to lead a sanctified life. If a leader fails to live a sanctified life, free from moral sin, he may certainly lose his testimony, ultimately his own position of leadership (Eg. Saul, the king and Judas, a disciple of Jesus).
- Ecclesiastical Aspect of Leadership
Often we think that Church is only for worshipping God and for preaching the Gospel of Christ. But in the plan of God, church has a greater role than we think. God has established three institutions in the world in order to make leaders for the world. The first is the family, the second is the government and the third is the church. But the first two institutions have miserably failed to make godly leaders for the world. The first family (Adam and Eve) failed to raise godly leaders (Rom: 5:12). So also the governments of nations, esp. nation of Israel (Is: 5:4; 43:21) , have failed to raise godly leaders in order to govern the nations. Hence God established the church, the third institution in God’s plan to raise godly leaders.
The church as an organization now has the responsibility of producing godly leaders for the church, for the family and for nations (Mat 16:18). In order to produce godly leaders, God has given the spiritual gifts to the church through the Holy Spirit.
- Gift Based Leadership
The Holy Spirit has given many gifts to the believers for the edification of the church. Some gifts are related with God’s revelation of Scripture (Eg:speaking in tongues). Some related with God’s Graces, chanelled to fellow men (Eg. Healing, giving, showing mercy) but some other gifts are related with church offices and leadership. (Eg. Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, Pastors, Administrators).
There are a few passages in the Scriptures which deal with spiritual gifts (1 Cor: 12-14; Eph:4: 11-12; Rom: 12:6-8; Mk:16:17-18; Heb:2:3,4Acts:2; 1 Pet:4:8-11; James:1:!7). From these passages, we list the spiritual gifts as following.
- The word of wisdom
- The word of knowledge
- Faith
- Gift of healing
- Working of Miracles
- Gift of Prophecy (prophets)
- Discerning of Spirits
- Gift of speaking in Tongues
- Interpretation of Tongues
- Helping (Ministering)
- Administering
- Apostles
- Evangelists
- Pastors
- Teachers
- Mercy(Showing mercy)
- Giving
- Hospitality (1 Pet: 4:9)
- Preaching (1 Pet: 4:11)
- Exhorting (Encouraging – Comforting)
Note: Some prominent Bible scholars believe that a few gifts such as prophecy, working miracles, from the above list ceased from existing and usage after the end of first century AD.
In the above gifts, some of them are related directly with leadership. The leader must find their spiritual gifts and must take all the possible steps to develop and to excel in their respective gift (1 Cor:14:12)
The spiritual leadership gifts can be developed by
- Reading and obeying God’s Word.
- Yielding to the guidance of Holy Spirit.
- Using it in the church fellowship with love for the growth of others (Fellow believers).
- Practicing it in every opportunity that one gets while ministering.
- Getting some special training related to one’s gift if necessary.
In order to develop the gift, everyone must be able first to identify his/her spiritual gift. There are a few tips to identify one’s spiritual gifts.
- Do read the Bible regularly and daily and obey it.
- Be sure: do you have an inner motivation for a specific ministry related with gospel or church work?
- Ask yourself as well to others: Do people in church get benefit through your ministry by using that gift? Do you have any proof that they have been blessed by your ministry?
- Does the church recognize that you possess that gift?
- What are the opportunities you get in your church? (Preach or teach or any other?)
- What kind of ministry for church or for Christians brings you satisfaction and joy?
- How do you spend your leisure time?
As one find his/her spiritual gift, and develop it, he may excel in his/her ministry and leadership.
- Need based Leadership
After God had given gift based leadership to the church, the early church – that is the first century church, especially the church at Jerusalem – realized the need of next generation leaders due to the situation prevailed in Jerusalem church. When there was a problem of distribution of food to widows, the church realized this need. Hence, the church under the leadership and guidance of Apostles formed the qualifications for the need based leaders and selected them based on the qualification prescribed.
- Acts: 6:1 – Election of deacons
Deaconship comes under the need based leadership because the church realized the need, it selected its leaders. However, they formed the criteria by which the need based leaders should be selected. The criteria that they prescribed and established were in accordance with God’s Word and not against God’s moral nature and God’s revealed will.
As the early church had selected the need based leaders for the church’s ministry, the modern church has also selected some need based leaders.
Eg. Sexton, choir and Sunday school leaders, Church manager and
Leaders in para-church Christian organizations
This kind of need based leaders can be selected by any church according to its various needs. However, the church should select such leaders who are having good Christian testimony, faith in God’s Word, social standing with Christian moral and ethical values. If need based leaders are ungodly, it would affect the testimony of the church. That is why the early church selected godly leaders as deacons. The need based leaders should be selected by the whole church and recognized by gifted senior leaders or elders (pastor) of the church. Need based leaders can be selected by church after evaluating their talents provided that they are spiritually qualified and emotionally matured.
- Qualifications of a leader
Both gift based leaders and need based leaders must meet the basic qualification to being the Christian leaders. Basic qualification of any Christian leader is God’s call. God’s call of a person for ministry must be always substantiated by the other spiritual and moral qualification laid in the Bible. However, when we discuss about qualification of a Christian leader, we mean the qualifications of a called leader.
(i) Very Basic Spiritual Qualifications (Rom: 8:29)
- God’s call for ministry( Saved-2Tim 1:9)
- Knowledge of God’s Word (2 Tim: 3:14-16)
(ii) Qualification concerning character (1 Tim: 3:2-3; Tit:1)
- Blameless(None can be able to point out his sins publicly)
- husband of one wife (not divorced)
- vigilant (alert and watchful)
- sober (sound mind not mentally weak)
- having good behaviour (well organized)
- providing hospitality (welcoming others)
- Apt to teach (able to teach others)
- Not given to wine (not a drunkard)
- No striker (not fighting physically)
- Not greedy (no lust after worldly wealth)
- Patient (not quarrelsome)
- Not a brawler (not fighting in public)
- Not covetous (no love for money or popularity)
- Faithful steward(properly using his time, and wealth)
- Not self-willed (not arrogant – 2 Pet: 2:10)
- Not seen angry (not quick tempered)
- Not given to filthy lucre (no desire for unjust gain)
- Lover of good man (having fellowship with good people)
- Just (no partiality)
- Holy (separated from unethical matters)
- Not double tongued( speaking truth- not perverting the fact)
- Not slanderers (not speaking gossip)
(iii) Qualification concerning his conduct at home (1 Tim: 3:4-5)
- Managing his house (providing and protecting the family).
- Guiding the children in godly life(being godly parents)
- Qualification concerning his Christian life (1 Tim:3:6)
- Not a new convert (New convert will be lacking in spiritual maturity. Hence they should grow in the Lord and in God’s word by having regular and right fellowship in the church.(Heb 10:25) If they fail to keep such fellowship they can not grow spiritually.)
- Qualification concerning his conduct in public (1 Tim: 3:7)
- Good testimony before the public of his community and neighborhood (public places) Nobody from neighborhood could easily point out and say anything against the Christian leader.
- Special Qualifications (2 Tim: 2:15; 3: 14-17)
Special qualification refers to the qualification that a leader has to have or to develop a special educational ability that is related to his position in which he serves in the church (eg. Acts:18:24-28; 19:9,10).
(Eg-1) A pastor must have a special qualification to interpret the Scripture and to preach the Word of God. If one is called to be a pastor, he should have some special training in pastoral leadership along with other qualifications. An untrained person should not be appointed as a Pastor. A pastor can have many additional qualifications. (E.g). having ability in music can be a special additional qualification for a pastoral leadership. However, knowledge of music is not compulsory for pastoral calling.
(E.g-2) Likewise, a Christian manager must have all the previous qualifications as well as special qualifications in management such as office relationship, handling files and financial skills.
- Desirable Qualification (Act 1:21,22)
Desirable qualifications refer to “experience” in the field in which one is going to serve. One can serve the Lord without previous experience in the field if there is no other way. However, experience will make great impact in leadership. “Practice makes perfect” is a famous saying.
Apostles had three year experience in ministry before they were given the great commission by the Lord (Matt: 28:18-20). Paul had at least nine year experience before making him to be an apostle by the church at Antioch.
Eg. Apostle Paul – Gal: 1:18 (learnt under Gamaliel)
Selection of Matthias – Acts: 1: 21, 22
If the church or mission appoints such a qualified person as leaders of church as well as missions the ministry would grow rapidly as it grew in the early centuries of AD.
- Purpose oriented leadership
God has called every leader with a purpose and for a purpose. In the Old Testament God mainly focused in raising leaders for the nation Israel so that He would use it as a light to the other nations but it miserably failed to meet God’s demand. After Israel’s failure, God raise the church that it may produce world class leaders for the nations. In the New Testament church age, God calls the leaders through the church. Hence every leader must strive to fulfill the purpose for which God has called him. According to God’s word, God has enabled every believer with spiritual gifts in order to fulfil the purpose of God’s call of making him a leader. God has graciously called a person and He has gracefully enabled him with spiritual gifts as well. Although each leader has different gifts, all have some common purposes in Christian leadership of church. Those common purposes can be listed as following:
- perfecting of the saints (Eph: 4:11-13, leader are given to make new leaders from the church and for the church)
- for the work of the ministry (serving the Christian community primarily – Gal:6:10)
- for edifying the church (whatever a Christian leader does, he should do it to edify the fellow Christians and co-workers; it includes teaching)
- for glorifying God (1 Cor: 10:31 – it is the ultimate purpose of a Christian leader; not for his fame and profit but unto God – Col: 3:23)
Whatever we do as Christians or leaders in church or in family or in society or in our nation or in work place must bring glory to God always. (1 Cor. 10:31 ) so that we may fulfill the purpose of God’s call.
- Issues of Ecclesiastical Leadership
Although there are some issues related to the church administration, there are certainly two issues that are related with church leadership. One is women leadership in the church, another is apostolic leadership Authority.
(i) Women’s Leadership in Church: God has been using many women leaders through out the centuries in various capacities in the church.. God used Deborah during the period of judges to motivate the people of Israel to war against their enemies.( Jud 4,5). In the New Testament also He used many women in ministry.(Phebe. Rom 16:1; the Elect Lady. 3 Jn 1). Probably they were deaconess in the church. But we do not find any clear reference in the Bible that God used woman in pastoral leadership. God did not choose them for pastoral office for two reasons .probably one is that they could be easily deceived by situations. (1 Tim 2:11-14). The other reason is that they are physically and psychologically weak in comparing with men. They depend naturally on men for their protection many times. Hence they can not function independently in many situations, especially at night in dark places. The Pastoral work demands such a hardship in day and night. Women may find difficulty in working with such hardships.
(ii) Apostolic Leadership Authority: Is there any Apostle today? It is the question asked by many nowadays. Jesus Christ selected twelve disciples as his apostles. After the death of Judas Iscariot, the other apostles formed the criteria for selecting an apostle in the place of Judas as following.
- Those Men who accompanied with the apostles all the time that the Lord Jesus ministered in earth (Acts1:21)
- They worked with the Lord from the time of Baptism of John till the day of ascension of Jesus Christ.(Acts 1:22).
Based on these criteria they prayed and selected Matthias as the twelfth apostle. However, later, when James the apostle was killed (Acts 12:1-2) by Herod, the same apostles did not choose any other in the place of James. Not selecting a new apostle in the place of James probably means that the apostles formally concluded that the office of apostle would cease when one apostle die either by martyrdom or by natural death. Hence many scholars say the apostolic office ceased after the first century AD with the death of John the apostle. Moreover, Paul was a special apostle to the gentiles and God did not appoint any other as apostles to the gentiles. Above all, the apostle had a special sacrifice that they had left all their wealth for the sake of their apostolic call.
*Forsaking all the worldly wealth is a general qualification to be an apostle of Christ. (Mat 4:20; Mark 10:28; Phil 3:11).
*Suffering in ministry till there is also a general qualification of apostles (2 Cor 11:16-33).
None is seen today with these four qualifications of apostle. For these reasons, the Bible scholars believe there could be no apostolic authority in the church after the first century. However the debate on these two issues continues in the Christendom although the Bible is authoritative and conclusive any issue of faith.
- Eschatological Aspect of leadership
The Bible teaches the glorious appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has promised that He would reward those believers who have excelled in their leadership responsibility.
- Commendation of Leadership
God has called every leader with a great pupose (Rom: 8: 29-30).When a leader achieves his purpose for which he is called, God honours him. God honours the leaders who have served him faithfully. God commends the faithful leaders (Mt:25:19-21). When God calls a leader, He gives him with every resource that is needed for his leadership. Every leader must use those recourses properly and faithfully according to the will of God. God honours such leaders.
Those who are unfaithful in their leadership will not have any such commendation from the Lord (Mt: 25:14-30).
- Co-rulers with Christ
Christ is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and the Leader of Leaders. He will come and establish his kingdom on earth. His kingdom will continue forever. When he is going to establish his rule on earth, the leaders who serve the Lord faithfully will rule with Him as co-rulers. This has been noted in many passages of the Scripture, both in the Gospels and in the epistles. – Mt: 25: 21, 23; Rev: 2; 26-28.
- Crowns for Leadership
The Word of God has promised many crowns for the Christians. They will be rewarded to everyone who faithfully serves the Lord according to His will (1 Cor: 3:14).
1.1 Pet: 5:3 Crown of Glory (1 Pet: 3:8)
2.1 Cor: 9:25 – Incorruptible Crown
- Phil: 4:1 – Joy and Crown ( 1 Thes: 2:19 – Crown of Joy)
- 2 Tim: 4:8 – Crown of Righteousness
- Rev: 2:10 – Crown of Life
However, the above crowns can be received by going through the crown of thorns (Mt:27:29; Mk:15:17; Jn:19:2). We should be aware of our crowning (Rev:3:11). The crown we receive is incorruptible (1 Cor: 9:25). Eschatological aspects of commendation from the Lord, co-ruling with the Lord and crowns of reward must encourage every Christians to be an effective and faithful leader.
- Discuss how God calls one for ministry in these days.
- Discuss the problem of sin a leader’s life.
- Discuss how one can develop his call for pastoral leadership.
- Discuss about the need based leaders in our churches.
- Explain how you can develop your leadership qualities within you.
Note: The assignments must be clearly written and sent to the Director, Christian Academy for Leadership Studies along with your name and Register number.
There are basically three kinds of skills – hard skills, soft skills, technical skills.
Hard skill is your basic or any higher education and experience in the field of work
Soft skill is our abilities (qualities) that are essential to handle the work situation.
Technical skill is the one in which a person is trained and in which his expertise to handle any emerging or emergency situation.
Every leader must develop his soft skills as he gives importance to hard skills.
The following are some important soft skills.
- Communication skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Time Management
- Stress Management
- Decision making Skills
- Team Work skills (Jesus and disciples)
- Negotiation skills
- Planning Skills
- Listening skills (Jam1;9)
- Group discussion (Acts15- Jerusalem council)
- Social Skills ( Manners and Appearance)
- Interview skills
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Emotional Quotient is an Ability to understand one’s emotion, deal with emotional problems and get on well with other people.
Positive Emotions: Happiness, joy, love, peace, cheerful
Negative Emotions: Anger, bitterness, hatred, restlessness, sadness, fear, panic, anxiety
Controlling anger: Forgive the person
- understand and evaluate the situation of anger
- develop positive attitudes of negative happening (Rom:8:28)
- look for proper solutions
- pray and move from adverse situation
- love your enemy
- count numbers to reduce your physical tension
- think the humorous part of negative events
Decision Making Skill
Every moment of our life involves making decisions. A soldier may lose his life in battle if he delays his decision for a second or he makes a wrong decision in shooting his enemy. Hence right making decision has to be done at right time.
- Is this decision morally right or good? (Eph 2:10)
- Is this decision scriptural-support of Bible? (Ps 119:1;Pro13:13)
- Have you analyzed all other better options about your decision?(Pro 4:26; 1 Thes 5:21)
- Have you consulted the experienced persons who are senior in the field? (Pro13:14,18,20;15:22)
- Does this decision bring glory to God? (1 Cor: 10:31)
- Does this decision bring profit to my organization or church in which I am involved?
- Does this decision bring lasting benefit to my family?
- Does this decision bring inner satisfaction to me spiritually?
- Does it bring welfare to the common society?
- Do you have or enjoy peace in heart about this decision?(Col 3:15)
- Have you prayed enough before taking final step of your decision?(1 Thes 5;17)
Caution: Collect more information about your plans.
Avoid hasty decisions
SWOT=S is important in decision making.
Inter-personal Skills
- Know yourself – strength and weakness
- Communicating with others
- Talk in a pleasant manner – Avoid harsh words
- Tell your discontent to him with good humour or well manner
- Avoid blaming others for your failures
- Learn to respect others and their views
- Have open and honest conversation with others
- Communicate with him to suit his temperament
Team Work Skill
A Team is constituted by:
- Team Members
- Team Leader
TEAM – Together Each Achieve More is an acronym said by one expert.
Tips for Effective team
– Respecting each other – Helping one another
– Sharing (views – ideas – talents – time – energy)
– Participating and active involvement in the task ahead
– Communicating properly – Encouraging & motivating each others
– Be Committed to the goal
– Open mindedness to one another
Qualification to be a Team Leader
- Patient
- Motivator
- God centered(Jesus said: I do the will of the Father )
Group Discussions -GD(Acts:15)
- GD helps to understand a subject deeply
- GD improves your ability to think critically
- GD helps to draw a solution to a problem
- GD improves your listening skill
- GD brings our attitudes positively
- GD develops our confidence in speaking and communicating our views
Decide a topic (prepare within five minutes
Duration of GD 15 to 20 minutes, members 5 to 7, Don’t select a leader
Topics for GD
Eg. Women’s role in the church
Tips for GD
Don’t be silent.
Interrupt others if necessary politely. Give time to all. Briefly state your view. Don’t take the discussion personally.