From the President's pen ....
Dear friends,
We are delighted to know your interest in studying God’s word in CALS- Bible College. God raised up this institution in 2004 as an accredited Institution of Christian Academy for Leadership Studies, in order to glorify His Holy Name by preparing Dynamic Christian Leaders (DCL) of India, Our Motherland. Our Motto is “Preparing the Leaders of the word to make them as role models for the people of world”, So that they can be faithful teachers as 2 Timothy 2:2 says. We welcome and encourage Pastors, Evangelists, Christian Leaders and all those who love God’s word to study in CALS – Bible College.
CALS courses are designed in such a way that helps every student of CALS to be a dynamic and matured leader both spiritually and academically. CALS study materials are well prepared by internationally renowned professors and teachers Who are involved in pastoral and teaching ministry for many years.
Since CALS syllabus is designed in accordance with the curriculum of International theological Institutions, already a few of our students got admission in colleges in abroad including USA.
CALS – Bible College is presently accredited with reputed accrediting Institutions. We have study centers in Bangalore, Nagercoil and many other locations of South India.
In case, you start your ministry for God’s glory, CALS will support you by all possible means both morally and spiritually in order to bring out and to develop your leadership skills and all potential talents. We do thank God for helping our graduates to serve globally in various churches, Colleges and missions as pastors, professors and leaders. some of them serve the Lord in international organizations. We do appreciate and welcome your meritorious decisions to study in CALS.
God Bless You!
Dr. H. Ravi Kumar, B.A., B.Th., B.D., M.Th., D.C.M., D.Min.
Founder President
From the President's pen ....

Dear friends,
We are delighted to know your interest in studying God’s word in CALS- Bible College. God raised up this institution in 2004 as an accredited Institution of Christian Academy for Leadership Studies, in order to glorify His Holy Name by preparing Dynamic Christian Leaders (DCL) of India, Our Motherland. Our Motto is “Preparing the Leaders of the world to make them as role models for the people of world”, So that they can be faithful teachers as 2 Timothy 2:2 says. We Welcome and encourage pastors, Evangelists, Christian Leaders and all those who love God’s word to study in CALS – Bible College.
CALS courses are designed in such a way that helps every student of CALS to be a dynamic and matured leader both spiritually and academically. CALS study materials are well prepared by internationally renowned professors and teachers Who are involved in pastoral and teaching ministry for many years.
Since CALS syllabus is designed in accordance with the curriculum of International theological Institutions, already a few of our students got admission in colleges in abroad including USA.
CALS – Bible College is presently accredited with reputable accrediting Institutions. We have study centers in Bangalore, Nagercoil and many other locations of South India.
In case, you start your ministry for God’s glory, CALS will support you by all possible means both morally and spiritually in order to bring out and develop your leadership skills and all potential talents. We do thank God for helping our graduates to serve in various churches, Colleges and missions as pastors, professors and leaders globally. some of them serve the Lord in international organizations. We do appreciate and welcome your meritorious decisions to study in CALS.
God Bless You!
Dr. H. Ravi Kumar, B.Th., B.A., B.D.,M.Th., D.C.M., D.Min.