BL - 15 Evangelism

Christian Academy for Leadership Studies


Purpose of the Course To prepare the Christian Leaders and Believers, based on the Word of God, to proclaim the Good News that there is Redemption to every sinner through Jesus Christ. Objectives of the Course
  1. The students must know the true meaning and message of the gospel.
  2. The students must be able to distinguish between the true gospel and false gospel.
  3. The students will know how to share the gospel to the unreached and unsaved.
Brief Outline of the Course I. Evangelism II. Evangelist III. Sharing the Gospel to Others IV. Methods of Evangelism I .EVANGELISM 1. Definition of Evangelism Evangelism is derived from the Greek word ’Evangelio’.The meaning of this word is ‘Good News’. The same was preached by all the Apostles and Paul. The good news proclaimed (preached) by them is that “Christ, according to the Scripture, died for our sins, buried and was resurrected (1Cor:15:3-4)”. Yes, He died for our sins and resurrected, and He saves us. This is the Good News ! 2. The Necessity of Evangelism God created Adam, and wished that Adam should obey Him in all things. But he trespassed the Will of God and sinned (Rom: 5:12). The sin born out of the disobedience of Adam rules over his descendents, according to the similitude of Adam’s transgression (Rom:5:14). So all have the sinful nature (Rom:3:23). It is written that the wages of sin is death (Rom:6:23). Here, in this verse, the word ‘death’ does not directly imply bodily death (physical death); rather it implies being separated from God permanently’. Everyone is destined for hell, because all are sinners. Jesus died for the sinners (Rom:5:7,8) that no one should go to hell but all to be redeemed by Jesus and to receive everlasting life (Rom:6:23). This is the ‘Good News’ to every sinner that Jesus died for the sinners and became the Saviour of sinners. Hence Evangelism is necessary for sinful Humanity 3. Evangelism in the Plan of God
  •  It reveals the Love of God (Jn:3:16)
  •  God wants that everyone should repent ((2 Pet:3:9)
  •  It is the Will of God that everyone should be saved (1 Tim:2: 2-4)
God has revealed His plan to the world through Jesus that all sinful men should be saved. 4. The Power and Result of Evangelism
  1. Gospel is the Power of God for salvation (Rom:1:16)
  2.  It reveals the Righteousness of God (Rom:1:17)
  3.  It gives eternal life.(Acts:13:48)
When we believe and accept the Gospel, it gives new strength in the inner man (Eph:3:16). A. Historical evidence for the proclamation of Evangelism
  • Jesus evangelized (Matt:11:28, Jn:5:39,Jn:7:37, 38)
  • The Apostles evangelized (Acts:2:40, 4:12, 13:33, 38, 39)
  •  Early Christian evangelized (Acts:5:42, 8:4)
Jesus, who commanded us to evangelize, evangelized during His earthly ministry and became our model in evangelism. B. The Command for Evangelism
  1.  Worldwide Evangelism (Matt:28:18-20, Mark:16:15)
  2. Witnesses to the end of the world (Acts:1:8)
According to this command of Jesus, the Apostles and the early church believers evangelized (by teaching and preaching). We too should evangelise to the end of the world. C. Evangelism is the duty of every Christian
  •  We are indebted to do evangelism (Rom:1:14-15)
  • It is a necessity to Preach and to Teach the gospel (our duty – 1Cor:9:16)
  • It reveals our love towards Christ ((2 Cor: 5:14)
  •  Need not be ashamed of the Gospel or Evangelism (Rom:1:16)
  • Dispensation of the Gospel is committed unto us (1 Cor:9:17)
Being faithful in our responsibility of preaching the gospel would certainly bring spiritual growth in a Christian and growth in his ministry. D. The importance of preaching the gospel hastily and zealously
  1. The soul is precious (Matt:16:26, Mk: 8:36)
  2. The life is short ( Job:14:1, James: 4:14)
  3. The certainty of eternity (Dan:12:2)
  4. The warning against Judgement (Heb: 9:27)
  5. The Coming of Christ is certain (2 Pet:3:9, Rev:22:20)
  6. The intercession from hell (Lk:16:19-31)
Here in this passage (Lk:16:19-31), the rich man in hell wants that his brothers at least be saved from hell fire. So he pleads that his brothers need to be evangelized. E. The Extension of Evangelism (Acts:1:8) Acts:1:8 explains briefy the strategy for evangelism that Jesus gave to the Apostles. It may be applied to us in this present time as following:
  • Jerusalem – Home or Family
  • Judaea – Neighbours
  • Samaria – National
  • The end of the world – Other Nationals (universe)
Our family should be saved first, then the neighbours, our town people and nationals should be evangelized. Folowing this strategy of evangelism would certainly bring many fruits. F. Evangelism and Church Ministry
  1. The opportunity for the growth of ministry (Eph:4:12,13)
  2. The growth of church depends on evangelism (Acts:5:14)
Only when we do evangelism in right earnest way, the growth of the church is guaranteed. II . THE EVANGELIST Hitherto, we have discussed what is evangelism. Now let us see whose is an evangelist. The qualities of the Apostles who preached the Gospel
  • Complete (or full ) piety in Christ
  • Humility of the mind
  • Courage in preaching the gospel
  • Sympathetic approach
  • Truthfulness
  • True obedience to the Word of God
  • Waiting on the Lord in prayer
  • Being filled by the spirit of God
Apostles were very successful in evangelism since they possessed these spiritual qualities. A. The spiritual characteristics of an Evangelist – (Spiritual Qualities)
  1.  Having accepted Jesus as the only Savior (Acts:4:12)
  2.  Having the assurance of salvation (Jn:1:12, 6:37, 10:28,29)
  3. Meditating on the Word of God regularly (Acts: 17:11)
  4. Being steadfast in prayer (Acts: 9:11, 2:42, 6:3, 1 Thes:5:17)
  5. Depending on the Holy Spirit’s guidance (Acts:8:29, 30)
  6. Having true burden for souls (Rom:1:14,15)
  7. Being steadfast in the fellowship of church (Acts:2:42, Heb:10:25)
  8. Having earned good reputation or witness or men of honest report(Acts:6:3)
Note: Everyone may start evangelism right from the day of his salvation, as Paul started to witness for Jesus, soon after he was saved (Acts:9:19,20). We need not be of the mind that it is the duty of only the Pastors and other evangelists to teach and preach the Word of God. All believers should be evangelizing because Christ may come at any time. B. An Evangelist’s mental qualities
  • Fullness of the heart and soul (Phil:4:11) – Having contentment
  • Not yielding to unnecessary worries (Matt:6:31-34)
  • Patience (2Tim:2:24-26)
Note: Spiritual and mental qualities are connected to each other. C. The talents that an evangelist acquires by being an effective evangelist
  • Receives Wisdom (Pro:11:30)
  • He starts yielding good fruits spiritually (Jn:15:16)
When an evangelist does his work truthfully and sincerely, his spiritual abilities (gifts) start revealing themselves. D.The goodness awaiting an evangelist
  • Christ shall witness for the true and honest worker (Matt:25:21)
  • Shall receive the crown (1 Thes:2:19,20, Dan:12:3, James:5:19,20)
E. The greatest evangelist of the world Who is the greatest evangelist of the world? It is not difficult to answer this question, because Jesus remained the greatest evangelist. “The spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to preach the good news (gospel) to the poor (Lk:4:17-20, Is:61:1,2). Jesus read these prophetic words of Isaiah and started His ministry. It is written in these words that Jesus was appointed or anointed for the proclamation of the gospel. Moreover, Jesus proclaimed the gospel to many. In about 35 places of the four gospels, it is written that Jesus preached the gospel to individuals. Eg: Philip – John:1:43 Nicodemus – John:3:1-21 Samaritan Woman – John:4:4-41 F. A very gifted evangelist in the history of the church Jesus our Saviuor is the greatest evangelist of the world. But who is the greatest evangelist in the history of the church? It is a little difficult question to answer. Anyway it is fitting to say that it is Paul who is the greatest evangelist of church history, The secret of Paul’s success is that he followed the footsteps of Jesus fully (1 Cor:11:1). Because he followed Jesus whole-heartedly, Paul could establish churches in many cities and towns. In Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippia and Thessalonica cities, he established churches. He ministered in Asia and other European continents. So Paul is the greatest and powerful evangelist next to Jesus. Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost and guided 3000 people into salvation. But he couldn’t establish many churches as Paul did. On these accounts Paul was a talented evangelist. If we want to become efficient evangelists like Paul, we should follow Jesus very closely as Paul did (1 Cor:11:1). Particularly we should follow Jesus because Jesus is the greatest evangelist. G. The Evangelist and the Church In the early churches, the evangelists were sent by the churches and they worked through churches (Acts:13:1-3), They established new churches through believers who were saved through their ministry, Or they committed new believers to the nearest churches. In the same way, we should add believers who become believers through our evangelization to a church of good faith that walks according to the Word of God. Or else we can start a new branch of church near the place where the new believers are residing. H. The Persons who cannot be the Evangelists
  • Those who consider the mission as a profit making business (Acts:8:9-24)
  • The fearful (wavering) – these will not tell the Word of God in purity (2 Tim:2:21).
  • The unsaved – Acts:19:13-17
  • Those who go after name and fame (Acts:12:21-23)
  • Those who have no assurance of salvation (2 Pet:3:16).
Such people cannot become fruitful evangelists. I. Basics of becoming a good Evangelist.
  • A pure heart with the Joy of Salvation (Psalms:51:1-13, 2 Tim:2:21)
  • A Loving Heart (2 Cor:5:14) – A heart where the Love of God abides.
One can become a good evangelist with the above mentioned qualities, if he has a heart cleansed and made holy by God and if he is a man who shows love towards sinners. III. SHARING THE GOSPEL TO OTHERS We have learned the Biblical facts about an evangelist and the Gospel in the first two lessons. Now we can analyse as to how the people are saved through faith in Jesus and how we can preach the good news to others. A. Man’s sinful condition of the Spirit Since Adam fell into sin, all those who came through him and his descendents are sinners before God. Following scriptures prove this truth.
  • All are sinners (Rom:3:23)
  • Man is spiritually lost (Lk:19:10)
  • Man is spiritually dead (Eph:2:1-3)
  • Man is a slave to sin (Jn:8:34)
  • Man is spiritually blind because of Satan (2 Cor:4:3,4)
  • Man thinks of God as enemy (Col:1:20-22, Rom:5:10)
  • Man transgresses the commandment of God (Rom:5:14)
  • Man’s heart is wicked and deceitful (Jer:17:9)
  • Man’s heart is evil right from his youth (Gen:8:21)
Thus man is separated from God spiritually right from Adam’s sin of transgression. Man is a sinner but God is holy (Lev:11:45). Because the sinful man is at variance with the holy God, he becomes his enemy(Rom:5:10). Till a sinner accepts himself as a sinner, he will not accept that he needs a Saviour. Neither will he realize the importance of salvation. B. The result or consequence of Sin
  • Spiritual death (Rom:6:23, 5:12, Eze:18:20, Matt:25:41, 45)  Eternal Condemnation in Hell (Psalms:9:17, Rev:14:11, 20:15)
Man is separated from God and is going towards hell, daily, because of the spiritual death due to sin (spiritual separation) C. A sinner cannot save himself
  • You cannot do anything without God (Jn:15:5)
  •  Man’s righteousness (merits) are as filthy rags (Is:64:6)
  •  Marked stains, which cannot be removed (Jer:2;22; 10:23, 13:23)
  • Man cannot be righteous in the sight of God (Job:25:4, 14:4)
A dead man cannot get his life back himself. In the same way, a sinner of spiritual death cannot save himself. C. Jesus the only Saviour saves the sinner Jn:3:16, 14:6, 1:18, 5:39-40, 10:9 Acts:4:12,13:38,39, 1 Jn:5:11,12 2 Cor::5:21, 1 Tim:1:15, 2:5 Heb:2:9, 12:2, 1 Pet:3:18, 2:24, 1:18,19, Rev:1:5 Only the resurrected Jesus can save a sinful man from his spiritual death. E. Man’s spiritual Need A sinful man must be reconciled with the holy God – that is his foremost spiritual need. Sinful man should get reconciled with the holy God (Job:9:32,33). There is a big gap between sinful man and the holy God. Man cannot have fellowship with God because of this spiritual gap. Jesus came into this world as a mediator to reconcile man with God peacefully.

The Reconciliation
Jesus reconciled the sinner with God by His death. Jesus fulfilled this by His death on the cross (Rom:5:10, Jn:19:30). So when a sinner accepts Jesus as his Saviour, he is reconciled, and redeemed hence released from the status of ‘enemy of God’.

Moreover, when he believes in Jesus as the only Saviour, he gets the status of ‘the Child of God’ (Jn:1:12).  So the foremost spiritual necessity of man is reconciliation with God by the salvation of his soul through Jesus Christ.
  1. A sinner receiving the Salvation
  We cannot do anything for our salvation. So Jesus died for our sins (1 Cor:15:3-4). A sinner gets salvation through Jesus. This priceless salvation is available to a man through his faith in Jesus.
  • Faith (Acts:16:31, 1 Cor:1:21, Rom:10:9-10, Heb:11:6, Gal:3:26)
  • Acceptance (Jn:1:12, Col:2:6)
  • Confession( Rom:10:9, 10,13)
A man who is saved by his faith in Jesus Christ Should depend on the Word of God fully for his spiritual growth (1 Pet:2:2-3) as he is a new born Child of God.
  1. The spiritual condition of saved man
  • One who has received the forgiveness of sin (Col:1:14).
  • One who has the eternal life (Jn:3:16, 6:47)
  • Made righteous ( Rom:5:9, Acts: 13: 38,39)
  • Becomes a Child of God ( Jn:1:12, Gal:4:6-7, Eph:1: 6.7)
  1. Verses to be remembered frequently by a saved Person
  • Jn:5:24, 6:39, 10:27-30
  • Rom:5:1, 8; 8:1,8,15,39, 4:21
  • 2 Tim:2:13
  • Judah: 1,24,25
  • Heb:7:25,
  • Phil:1:5,
  • 1 Pet:1:3-5
Note : First the unsaved man should be made aware that he is a sinner. Then it is required to teach him that the redemption and salvation from sin is only through Jesus. Again the gospel should be expounded systematically, telling that salvation is available by believing on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is the only Saviour ! Explaining the Plan of Salvation in a brief way   Man’s sinful condition and God’s plan of salvation has been explained in detail. Yet there is a shorter way of telling the gospel by the method of quoting the verses from the Bible. This is known as the Roman Road Method. This term came into use because in this method the verses are quoted only from the epistle to the Romans.
  • There is no one who is righteous (Rom:3:10)
  • All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom:3:23)
  • All are sinners (Rom:5:12)
  • The wages of sin is death (hell) – Rom:6:23a
  • Christ died for the sinners (Rom:5:8)
  • The etrernal life through Jesus Christ (Rom:6:23b)
  • Salvation by Faith in Christ (Rom:10:9, 10, 13)
  1.                The methods of Evangelism
  1. Bible Methods
  1. Sermonising / Preaching
  • Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost (Acts:2)
  1. Conversation / Dialogue
  • Philip conversed with the Ethiopian minister and evangelized (Actrs:8:26-40)
  • Jesus conversed with individuals and explained the plan of salvation
    • Nicodemus (Jn:3)
    • Samaritan Woman (Jn:4)
  1. Salvation can be proclaimed by meeting people at their homes.
  • Jesus went to the house of Zacchaeus (Lk:19:1-9)
  • Peter told the gospel at the house of Cornelius (Acts:10:1-48)
  1. Evangelism at small groups
  • Paul (Gal:2:2)
  1. Evangelism through singing
  • Paul and Silas sang (Acts:16:25-34)
  1. Modern Methods of Evangelism
  Nowadays, the gospel is proclaimed in many varied ways along with Bible methods, but the gospel message does not change whatever the ways you adopt for evangelization. And the unchanging good news is that :”Jesus died for our sins, resurrected on the third day, according to the Scriptures” (1Cor:15:3.4) and saves those who believe on Him (Acts:16:31). Although the message never changes, the methods are changed at this present time. By the following methods, the gospel is preached nowadays.
  • Radio
  • Television and Films
  • Telephone – to friends,
– to any telephone number at random, – use the opportunity at  ‘wrong number calls’ and tell the gospel to the wrong caller
  • Through letter correspondence
  • E-mail
  • Tracts Mission
  • Tracts based on the Word of God gives good results
  • Tracts mission can be practiced by anyone.
  • Tracts can reach to places where you cannot reach
  • Tracts are available easily in large numbers in many languages
  • Tracts can be stored in pockets and readily available
Facts to be remembered while distributing tracts  
  • First you should read the tract and distribute it only when it is based on the Word of God.
  • Start distributing the tracts only after praying
  • Give only suitable tracts
  • Select easily understandable tracts
  • If there is an opportunity when you can talk with people around, do not just slip from that place by giving a tract, but try to converse. and tell the gospel to him.
  • Give only fresh and unstained tracts.
  • Distribute tracts with a smile on your face
  • Do not thrust tracts into anyone
  • Use all available chances to giving tracts.
To whom should you evangelise?   All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom:3:23). So gospel can be proclaimed to everyone, you can tell the gospel to anyone without considering the educational or the other social status of a person. You can tell the gospel to all because God loves all. God has no partiality. The scriptural example is as follows:
  • Learned –  Nicodemus (Jn 3)
  • Officers –   Zacchaeus (Lk:19:1-9)
  • Poor People –  Lazarus and his family (Jn:11)
  • Workers –  Aquila and Priscilla (Acts:18:1-4)
 Where all to Evangelise ?  
  • Villages (Acts:8:25)
  • Streets (Acts:8:4)
  • Places of Public Gathering (Acts: 17:18.19)
  • Prayer Houses / Synagogues (Acts:17:10,17)
  • Houses (Acts:10:22-24)
  • Market Places (Acts:17:17,18, 19)
  • While traveling in Public carriers (Acts:8:26-40)
  • Prisons (Acts: 16:23-31)
So wherever you go, no matter, there you can share gospel to others.
  1. V. Some suggestions to Personal Evangelism
  1. Ideas for Evangelists
    1. Prayer before Evangelization
    2. Wait and trust on the guidance of the Holy Spirit
    3. Avoid debates and arguments (2 Tim:2:14)
    4. Avoid attacking others, their families, and society etc, especially those to whom you are telling the gospel.
    5. Evangelising only one person at a time is more fruitful
    6. When your friend is evangelizing somebody, avoid intervening or interfering in their talk. Act with sincerity and earnestness in evangelism. It is not to be considered as a duty or business, but with great burden of the soul.
    7. Do not talk in a hurry or in bitterness.
    8. Do not be talking continuously, ask whether the hearer is understanding or not and seek his opinion in between.
    9. Behave in a friendly manner, while evangelizing
    10. Avoid, as far as possible, to evangelizing the members of the opposite sex.
    11. You should not evangelise and converse with members of the opposite sex, in a private room.
    12. When somebody accepts Jesus as the Saviour, talk to him about baptism, church etc.
    13. Till somebody receives Jesus as the Saviour, it is a waste of time to talk to him about baptism or church membership etc. Before he accepts Jesus his Saviour, no use of talking about baptism.
    14. The Word of God brings maximum results. So it is better to use the Bible verses for evangelizing than using your word power or tricky philosophies.
  1. Facts (verses) an evangelist should keep in mind always
  Why should an evangelist remember and remind the Bible verses?
  • He will be ready to answer (1 Pet:3:15)
  • They (the verses) bring gladness (Jer:15:16)
  • They help to preach balanced truths, rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Tim:2:15)
  • Spiritual Weapon (Heb:4:12)
  • Helps spiritual growth (1Pet:2:2)
  • Word of God is Life (Matt:4:4, Jn:6:63,68)
  • Word of God helps regenerate a sinner and it acts as an uncorruptible seed, liveth and abideth forever (1Pet:1:23)
  • Word of God cleanseth us (Jn:15:3)
  • Word of God brings victory, prospering our way and works (Joshua:1:8)
  • Word is the Power of God (Rom:1:16)
  • Verses of the Bible do not return empty (Is:55:11)
  • Verses of the Bible is the Word of God. (1 Thes:2:13)
So it is very useful to keep remembering the verses, because the Word of God does good. It is powerful to help you in evangelism as well as to bring others to Jesus Christ. Verses to be remembered by the Evangelist
  • Man is a sinner (Rom:3:23, 5:8,12)
  • The wages of sin is death (hell) (Rom:6:23)
  • Man canot save himself (Jn:15:5, Eph:2:9)
  • Jesus is the only Saviour (Acts:4:12)
  • Salvation through Faith (Eph:2:7,8)
  • Child of God by Faith (Jn:1:12)
  • God will not reject anyone who comes to Him through Jesus (Jn:6:37)
  • God gives eternal life (Jn:10:28)
  • No one can snatch the believer from God (Jn:10:28,29)
  • God forgives sin, if we confess our sins (1 Jn:7-9)
Counselling to those who have accepted salvation   This guidance must be given to every believer so that he can grow spiritually.  
  • Read the Bible regularly (1 Pet:2:2)
  • Pray daily (Acts:2:42;9:11)
  • Baptism advised (Acts:8:36-39)
  • Become a member of Church (Acts:2:41)
  • Be steadfast in the communion of believers (Acts:2:42, 1Jn:1:3)
The saved new Christian who follows these principles will be growing in Christ and yield more fruits.
How will you share the Gospel to an unbeliever ? Discuss this with scriptural support and write it in not less than two pages. Then send it to The Director, CALS. Please write your name and register number clearly on your assignment papers.